Creamy Garlic and Italian Salad Dressing (4 pack)

(2 reviews) Write a Review
(2) bottles LaRosa's Italian Dressing -- (2) bottles LaRosa's Creamy Garlic Dressing --
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It just makes sense to keep both LaRosa's Italian and Creamy Garlic Salad Dressings on hand, with extra, even. We'll send you two bottles of each, for a total of four bottles.

  • Two bottles LaRosa's Italian Dressing
  • Two bottles LaRosa's Creamy Garlic Dressing

2 Reviews

  • 5
    Creamy Garlic & Italiaian Salad Dressing

    Posted by Greg Brown on Apr 18th 2020

    LaRosa's Salad dressing is fabulous and tastes great. It will make any salad taste fantastic. These dressings

  • 5
    The best dressing on the face of this earth

    Posted by Genel Horstman on Mar 27th 2020

    We (The family) in many states love this Dressing A+